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              Pyrotek Ceramite? Floor Tiles Withstand Extreme Environments, Ideal for High-Wear Areas

              Eliminate?Concerns About Flooring


              Pyrotek’s Ceramite? floor tiles can eliminate costly interruptions in facility operations. The strong, abrasion-resistant floor tiles are made with the refractory material Ceramite BKR, which is based on bauxite.

              CeramiteFloorTiles3aCeramite has extreme abrasion resistance, low porosity, high "hot strength" and "cold strength," and great compression strength. So, floor tiles made with the technology are a more durable alternative to concrete, steel plates, bricks, conventional castables, and other industrial floor materials.

              Ceramite benefits from a filler material that improves the flowability when it’s being cast, requiring less water in the process. The result is fewer voids and a denser end product.?The smooth, low-porosity surface of Ceramite floor tiles outperform competitors’ products, which often pit and become more vulnerable to wear from contact with molten metal and high mechanical abuse.

              It gets added strength from the filler material, which is not inert but creates chemical bond, adding to Ceramite’s strength.?The floor tiles have proven to last for decades. Some, installed 30 years ago, remain in place.

              "They last long enough that you will have forgotten the date of installation," says Uli Auer, Pyrotek's Ceramite Sales Manager in Europe.

              CeramiteFloorTiles1aCeramite floor tiles can be installed in areas where molten metal splashes, such as around furnaces. They also provide protection in areas where vehicles wear away the surface transporting equipment and heavy loads.

              Pyrotek can install the tiles, making sure the floor underneath is properly prepped. Pyrotek offers a range of standard sizes, but it can make customized tiles as needed. It also can offer global on-site service.

              Contact Uli Auer at uliaue@pyrotek.com?for more information.

              Posted in Article, Feature, Product Spotlight.

              Tags: Aluminium, Ceramite, Foundry, Sustainability, Zinc.
