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              Thermal Covers


              Pyrotek designs and custom manufactures covers that utilize our range of fabrics, felts and blankets to suit a variety of conditions from cryogenic to high temperature. There is an increasing demand for removable insulation covers for all types of high-temperature equipment. Pyrotek covers provide excellent personal protection from heat and are easy to remove and replace when performing maintenance.

              Pyrotek Offerings

              Pyrotek collaborates with operations to create a custom-fit thermal cover that is easy to remove while still being as efficient as posible. Thermal covers can be easily removed with the use of lacing hooks untilising wire or springs and rings, belts and buckles, hook and loop, zippers, snaps, etc.

              • Heat retention, fire protection, personal protection
              • Easy to remove and replace when performing maintenance
              • Unique designs custom made
              • Specialty thermal materials