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              Cathode/Collector Bar Sealing


              Seals around the steel collector bar, when positioned in the cathode block, retain cast iron during the pouring process.?Cast iron leakage poses a hot metal hazard for operators and surrounding equipment. Additionally, cast iron leakage results in a scrap block and bar.

              Pyrotek Offerings

              Pyrotek can supply precut lengths of suitable packing rope, INSURAL mastic, mineral wool pads and castable or mortar:

              • Ceramic fibre square braided rope seals

              • Insural 3000 mastic or insural 4000 mastic

              • Retain cast iron during pouring around the collector bar
              • Safety measure for operators and equipment
              • Variety of sealing materials to suit smelter preference and technology
              • Strong supply chain, kanban capability and competitive pricing